"Take Care, Trading Can Be A Money Printing Machine or Can Be A Money Holocaust"

It's fatal to be biased but it's from wisdom to be neutral

Mohamed Hassan

12/11/20223 min read

"Take Care, Trading Can Be A Money Printing Machine or Can Be A Money Holocaust"

It's fatal to be biased but it's wisdom to be neutral...

If you think about everything around us in our lives, you will find that it has two sides the thing and the opposite. So It's fatal to be biased but it's wisdom to be neutral. So we have to apply the same concept to trading we have to be neutral when we deal with it.

It is not fair to say in general without detailing that trading is a tool that will be the reason to lose all of your money and then will leave you poor without mentioning the other side of the equation. As trading may be a holocaust for your money not only the reason to lose your money and in some cases, it may be a tool that will result in big debt. So we have to mention the other side of the equation that trading can be a money printing machine.

And then, we can find who will afford this kind of business and we can find who will be cannot afford it and this is normal as not everything is suitable for everyone. But this philosophy when thinking about trading will leave the way open for us to evaluate ourselves if we can afford this kind of business or not.

May someone asks, does this business deserve to give all of this hustle?

My short answer is yes till publishing another post about this topic if it will be available. There are many pieces of evidence that can prove this answer and you can do your research about that if you want. However, we can divide people who read this post to this point into three types:

The person who will not care about (they may lose a very good opportunity if they can afford this kind of business). another one who cannot afford it( they have to find another business that will be affordable). the last one who can afford it (our scope and it will be good to finish this post).

People who can afford this kind of business have to learn how to trade before actual trading to avoid the fatal side of this business (big losses). Learning is not an option as there is a cost for this business you have to pay and this is normal as any business has a cost even if it's an effort. So, there are two types of costs here you can pay:

The High Cost and the Low Cost...

The high cost will be needed if you are trading without the minimum level of knowledge as you will pay in this case the normal cost of the business plus the cost of lack of knowledge and this cost may be unaffordable. The low cost will be the normal cost of the business and this cost can be affordable and may be very low cost when you are doing well because you learned what, why, and how to do it.

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Finally, I have to thank you for the time consumed to read this post and I hope that you find it useful to get better results from your trading business.